Supplements with creatine and androstenedione linked to disease Men who took them had 65% greater chance of developing the cancer. Those who started before age of 25, took more than one type and used them for three years or more, had greatest risk of diagnosis.
According to a study published online in the British Journal of Cancer. Men who use muscle-building supplements containing creatine or androstenedione may have a higher risk of getting testicular cancer. The new study included 356 men diagnosed with testicular cancer between 2006 and 2010, and 513 men without testicular cancer. Participants were between the ages of 18 and 55 and lived in Connecticut or Massachusetts.
The researchers, led by Tongzhang Zheng, found that men who reported using bodybuilding supplements with creatine or androstenedione had a higher chance of developing testicular cancer. The observed relationship was strong, Zheng said in a press release. If you used at [an] earlier age, you had a higher risk. If you used them longer, you had a higher risk. If you used multiple types, you had a higher risk.