Monday, January 11, 2016

It's time we worked up an appetite to tackle obesity

We're so used to snacking that most of us have forgotten what hunger feels like.

Obesity will soon be the new normal. I repeat; obesity will soon be the new normal. Now, there are three ways of collectively responding to this news: take solace, take offence or take action.

Scenario one; everyone with a BMI over 30 punches the air to the roar of the crowd. At last, the long-overdue destigmatisation of bingo wings and pot bellies, saggy moobs and lardy bottoms. Social progress, that's what it is.

Scenario two; everybody with more back fat than a pig (i.e. everybody) takes highly personal offence. How dare the medical establishment engage in fat-shaming? Institutionalised prejudice, that's what it is.

Scenario three; we put down the flaky pastry sausage rolls, strip off our defence mechanisms and take a proverbial long, hard look at our supersized society in the mirror. The unpalatable naked truth, that's what it is.

Before I get lambasted, let me emphasise a greater authority than I - Cancer Research - reached that conclusion, based on hard medical evidence.

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